Introduction to Trenchless Technology
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Introduction to Trenchless Technology

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Steven R. Kramer
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

In the past decade, the field of trenchless technology has expanded rapidly in products, equipment, and utilization. This expansion would not have occurred without a strong increase in economic incentives to the user. Because the operating environment has changed, trenchless technology is often the preferred alternative to traditional methods of digging holes and installing conduits. The infrastructure in which we live has become more congested and has to be shared by several users. In addition, the cost of restoring a road or landscaped area after construction may be higher than the cost of installing the conduit. These factors add to the need for trenchless technology-the ability to dig holes without disturbing the surface. In some ways, trenchless technology is a futuristic concept. Ruth Krauss in a children's book of definitions wrote, "e;A Hole .. .Is to Dig."e; But this statement is not necessarily true. Today, a hole could be to bore.
In the past decade, the field of trenchless technology has expanded rapidly in products, equipment, and utilization. This expansion would not have occurred without a strong increase in economic incentives to the user. Because the operating environment has changed, trenchless technology is often the preferred alternative to traditional methods of digging holes and installing conduits. The infrastructure in which we live has become more congested and has to be shared by several users. In addition, the cost of restoring a road or landscaped area after construction may be higher than the cost of installing the conduit. These factors add to the need for trenchless technology-the ability to dig holes without disturbing the surface. In some ways, trenchless technology is a futuristic concept. Ruth Krauss in a children's book of definitions wrote, "e;A Hole .. .Is to Dig."e; But this statement is not necessarily true. Today, a hole could be to bore.

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