Chef on Fire
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Chef on Fire

The Five Techniques for Using Heat Like a Pro
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Joseph Carey
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

What if you could look at any recipe and instantly grasp the technique involved in its cooking, the time it would take to prepare, and all the equipment needed? By demonstrating that all cooking breaks down into five simple procedures and by helping you master them, Chef on Fire enables you to look at any recipe and instantly grasp the technique involved, the time it would take to prepare, and all the equipment needed. Cutting through the inundation of information presented by many cookbooks, Chef Carey drives home one principle: there are only five things you can do to food with heat.
What if you could look at any recipe and instantly grasp the technique involved in its cooking, the time it would take to prepare, and all the equipment needed? By demonstrating that all cooking breaks down into five simple procedures and by helping you master them, Chef on Fire enables you to look at any recipe and instantly grasp the technique involved, the time it would take to prepare, and all the equipment needed. Cutting through the inundation of information presented by many cookbooks, Chef Carey drives home one principle: there are only five things you can do to food with heat.

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