The Musical World of J.J. Johnson
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The Musical World of J.J. Johnson

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Joshua Berrett
35, Studies in Jazz
eBook Typ:
Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Now in Paperback! J.J. Johnson, known as the spiritual father of modern trombone, has been a notable figure in the history of jazz. His career has embodied virtually every innovation and development in jazz over the past half-century. The first comprehensive biography, filmography, catalog of compositions, and discography of J.J. Johnson.
J.J. Johnson, known as the spiritual father of modern trombone, has been a notable figure in the history of jazz. His career has embodied virtually every innovation and development in jazz over the past half-century. In this first comprehensive biography, filmography, catalog of compositions, and discography, the authors explore Johnson's childhood and early education, document his first compositions, and examine his classical roots, thereby creating a unique and powerful illustration of the composer's technical and stylistic development.

New in the paperback edition is an Epilogue containing vital information about Johnson's suicide as well as an Index of Discography Titles.
Chapter 1 Figures
Chapter 2 Foreword
Chapter 3 Preface
Chapter 4 Chapter 1: Early Years in Indianapolis, 1924-42
Chapter 5 Chapter 2: From Central Avenue to 52nd Street
Chapter 6 Chapter 3: In the Inner Circle of Boppers
Chapter 7 Chapter 4: Once that record started happening...
Chapter 8 Chapter 5: Vindicated and in the Vanguard
Chapter 9 Chapter 6: A Shift in Focus
Chapter 10 Chapter 7: The Hollywood Years, 1970-1987
Chapter 11 Chapter 8: Why Indianapolis—Why Not Indianapolis?
Chapter 12 Appendix: On Peeking into J.J.'s Studio
Chapter 13 Epilogue
Chapter 14 Bibliography
Chapter 15 Filmography
Chapter 16 Catalog of Compositions
Chapter 17 Discography
Chapter 18 Index
Chapter 19 Index of Discography Titles
Chapter 20 About the Authors

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