Do I Count?

Stories from Mathematics
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Gunter M. Ziegler is a MATHEON professor at Freie Universit?Berlin. Dr. Ziegler is a member of the executive board of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, and a fellow of the American Mathematical Society. His honors include the Leibniz Prize from the German Research Foundation DFG, the Chauvenet Prize from the Mathematical Association of America, and the Communicator Award from DFG and Stifterverband. His research interests connect discrete and computational geometry (especially polytopes), algebraic and topological methods in combinatorics, discrete mathematics, and the theory of linear and integer programming. He earned a Ph.D. from MIT.
On the Number Line. The Never-Ending Story of Prime Numbers. The Mathematical Perspective. Caution: Equations. The Small Puzzles. Where Mathematics Is Created. The Book of Proofs. Three Legends. What Kinds of People Are These? What Mathematicians Can Do. Read More. Index.
In this book of mathematical stories, the well-known and highly esteemed author provides a surprisingly entertaining tour of unfamiliar territory. He describes stories about numbers, problems, people who do math, and the places where mathematical discoveries are made (such as desks, libraries, beds, and churches). You'll discover that counting can be quite difficult'for example, news reports claiming that "bees can count" show that journalists can't count and people who shun 13 must assume that gods can't count.

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