Into the Sun
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Into the Sun

A Memoir
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Neil Volz
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Into the Sun puts a human face on the business of American politics. It also makes you rethink what you believe about Washington. When Neil Volz moved from small-town Ohio to Capitol Hill he was a young idealistic college student. Twelve years later, he was a high-profile symbol of Washington corruption. A former lobbyist and public official, Volz paints a vivid and disturbing picture of his rise and fall. He ushers the reader in to the clandestine world of congressional deal making and special interest lobbying, all the while telling of his journey down the slippery slope of personal corruption. The book describes first-hand what it was like to be a target of a Justice Department investigation, as well as a government witness during the worst political corruption scandal since Watergate. The author outlines important life lessons he learned from the experience. And raises fundamental questions about the role of money of politics. How do people become corrupt? Is it an individual failure? Or the result of a failed political system? While Into the Sun is a personal story about hope, failure and faith, it also a larger story about how Washington works - and how it doesnt.
Into the Sun puts a human face on the business of American politics. It also makes you rethink what you believe about Washington. When Neil Volz moved from small-town Ohio to Capitol Hill he was a young idealistic college student. Twelve years later, he was a high-profile symbol of Washington corruption. A former lobbyist and public official, Volz paints a vivid and disturbing picture of his rise and fall. He ushers the reader in to the clandestine world of congressional deal making and special interest lobbying, all the while telling of his journey down the slippery slope of personal corruption. The book describes first-hand what it was like to be a target of a Justice Department investigation, as well as a government witness during the worst political corruption scandal since Watergate. The author outlines important life lessons he learned from the experience. And raises fundamental questions about the role of money of politics. How do people become corrupt? Is it an individual failure? Or the result of a failed political system? While Into the Sun is a personal story about hope, failure and faith, it also a larger story about how Washington works - and how it doesnt.

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