Hunting Trips in the Classroom
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Hunting Trips in the Classroom

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Deborah A. Johnston
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Are you ready to go on a HUNT? I hope so! These hunts are a lot of fun, and they are educational. By spending fifteen to twenty minutes, you and your students will be able to do the following:Learn about animals, including their descriptions, habitats, predators, diets, and babies. Learn interesting facts about things, including geographical terrain and climate. Touch on several subjects and skill sets, such as social studies, literacy, visualization, Bi-Lingual (foreign languages), and more. Understand how you can apply classroom management to your classroom using the hunts for positive classroom behavior. See how the Texas state testing module is aligned to the hunts. There are sixteen hunts ready for your classroom. Enjoy them!HAPPY HUNTING!Deborah A. Johnston
Are you ready to go on a HUNT? I hope so! These hunts are a lot of fun, and they are educational. By spending fifteen to twenty minutes, you and your students will be able to do the following:Learn about animals, including their descriptions, habitats, predators, diets, and babies. Learn interesting facts about things, including geographical terrain and climate. Touch on several subjects and skill sets, such as social studies, literacy, visualization, Bi-Lingual (foreign languages), and more. Understand how you can apply classroom management to your classroom using the hunts for positive classroom behavior. See how the Texas state testing module is aligned to the hunts. There are sixteen hunts ready for your classroom. Enjoy them!HAPPY HUNTING!Deborah A. Johnston

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