Downton Abbey

The Official Film Companion
Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I
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Nicht verfügbar Zum Merkzettel
1305 g
255x202x37 mm

Emma Marriott, Julian Fellowes
My Dear GranthamAs you will know, The King and Queen will be touring your Bailiwick next month and will present a new Guidon to the Yorkshire Hussars on the 21st, in token of the extraordinary service the regiment gave in the Great War.I have it in command of His Majesty to request that Their Majesties will need to stay over at Downton Abbey, in order to meet this duty, and, as Lord Lieutenant, I trust this will not be a problem. I think it is the first sojourn of this kind at Downton for The King and queen and I hope it doesn't incovenience Lady Grantham too terribly.Our intent is that the party would arrive in the forenoon, have luncheon, attend a parade, return to Downton Abbey for tea and Dine, leaving after breakfast the next day.In atendance will be His Majesty's Equerry, Major Victor Bruce, and Her Majesty's Lady-in-Waiting, Lady Bagshaw.Yours very sincerely,Stamfordham

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