Piero’s Light

In Search of Piero della Francesca: A Renaissance Painter and the Revolution in Art, Science and Religion
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An innovative painter in the early generation of Renaissance artists, Piero dell Francesca was also an expert on religious topics and a mathematician who wanted to use perspective and geometry to make painting a ';true science.'Although only sixteen of Piero's works survive, few art historians doubt his importance in the Renaissance. A 1992 conference of international experts meeting at the National Gallery of Art deemed Piero ';one of the most highly regarded painters of the early Renaissance, and one of the most respected artists of all time.'In recent years, the quest for Piero has continued among intrepid scholars, andPiero's Lightuncovers the life of this remarkable artistic revolutionary and enduring legacy of the Italian Renaissance.
An innovative painter in the early generation of Renaissance artists, Piero dell Francesca was also an expert on religious topics and a mathematician who wanted to use perspective and geometry to make painting a ';true science.'Although only sixteen of Piero's works survive, few art historians doubt his importance in the Renaissance. A 1992 conference of international experts meeting at the National Gallery of Art deemed Piero ';one of the most highly regarded painters of the early Renaissance, and one of the most respected artists of all time.'In recent years, the quest for Piero has continued among intrepid scholars, andPiero's Lightuncovers the life of this remarkable artistic revolutionary and enduring legacy of the Italian Renaissance.

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