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Christmas Day, 1884: A letter is slid under the door of a struggling young doctor and aspiring novelist, begging him to come to the aid of a mysterious woman, a victim of the black spiritual arts . . .From the foggy streets of Victorian London to the windswept moors of Yorkshire, a demonic conspiracy begins to unfold.The List of Seven, a sinister brotherhood sworn to serve the Dark Lord, has conceived a diabolical plot that threatens not only the Royal Crown, but the very fabric of modern society.Only two men stand in their way: the young Doctor Arthur Conan Doyle and Jack Sparks, Queen Victoria's special agent, a man of formidable intellect and lethal skills . . .
Christmas Day, 1884: A letter is slid under the door of a struggling young doctor and aspiring novelist, begging him to come to the aid of a mysterious woman, a victim of the black spiritual arts . . .From the foggy streets of Victorian London to the windswept moors of Yorkshire, a demonic conspiracy begins to unfold.The List of Seven, a sinister brotherhood sworn to serve the Dark Lord, has conceived a diabolical plot that threatens not only the Royal Crown, but the very fabric of modern society.Only two men stand in their way: the young Doctor Arthur Conan Doyle and Jack Sparks, Queen Victoria's special agent, a man of formidable intellect and lethal skills . . .

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