Through Green Eyes
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Through Green Eyes

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Diana Joya
eBook Typ:
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Do you look at your pets and wonder what they are thinking about? Do you wonder what it must be like to live in their worlds? And what do they do all day, anyway?Author Diana Joyas Through Green Eyes takes you inside the lives of a neighborhood of pets. Kitty is full of personality. She and her friends go on adventures, including a treasure hunt with a real treasure map. Kitty also teaches the value of everlasting friendships.Through Green Eyes encourages your imagination with a little help from magic and the power of love for others, self, animals, and nature. Youll be entertained and might even learn something, too.
Do you look at your pets and wonder what they are thinking about? Do you wonder what it must be like to live in their worlds? And what do they do all day, anyway?Author Diana Joyas Through Green Eyes takes you inside the lives of a neighborhood of pets. Kitty is full of personality. She and her friends go on adventures, including a treasure hunt with a real treasure map. Kitty also teaches the value of everlasting friendships.Through Green Eyes encourages your imagination with a little help from magic and the power of love for others, self, animals, and nature. Youll be entertained and might even learn something, too.

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