Abducted to War
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Abducted to War

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Timothy L. Hartzell
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

He woke up twenty hours ago, but hes still groggy from some weird drug-induced slumber. Surprisingly, hes also no longer on Earth. The three moons sort of gave that away. Since he was a world-renowned survivalist and mountain hiker on his home planet, he doesnt panicnot right away. First, he needs to figure out how to stay alive in a place that looks like Arizona.The man roams in search of food. He sleeps only to find footprints nearby as if someone stood there all night, watching him. It soon becomes apparent this man was brought to here for a reason. He has been abducted, not for some clandestine scientific experiment, but for his unique talentstalents that will help him thrive.He is the only being in the galaxy that can save his planet. He wont use his strength alone, but also his mind and spiritand the assistance of some strange new friends. This survivalist will command an army into battle against a horde of evil aliens. No other can bring about the survival of mankind. This isnt some nature trip; its the intergalactic battle to end all others.
He woke up twenty hours ago, but hes still groggy from some weird drug-induced slumber. Surprisingly, hes also no longer on Earth. The three moons sort of gave that away. Since he was a world-renowned survivalist and mountain hiker on his home planet, he doesnt panicnot right away. First, he needs to figure out how to stay alive in a place that looks like Arizona.The man roams in search of food. He sleeps only to find footprints nearby as if someone stood there all night, watching him. It soon becomes apparent this man was brought to here for a reason. He has been abducted, not for some clandestine scientific experiment, but for his unique talentstalents that will help him thrive.He is the only being in the galaxy that can save his planet. He wont use his strength alone, but also his mind and spiritand the assistance of some strange new friends. This survivalist will command an army into battle against a horde of evil aliens. No other can bring about the survival of mankind. This isnt some nature trip; its the intergalactic battle to end all others.

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