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Order of Nehor & the Brotherhood

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The time is 82 BCE during the rise of a remarkably sophisticated civilization in Mesoamerica. Here, exacting mathematicians, expert astronomers, and, most significantly, the distinguished priesthood elite influenced the building of magnificent ornate cities and complex governance. Raasah, the daughter of a powerful Nephite pochtecatl and a renowned high priestess, was a proud educated youth, nearing her age of maturity, living a privileged pampered life. Then, in one horrific night of carnage, her life would change forever.

Miraculously spared from a vicious attack on her fathers caravan, Raasah desperately longs to understand why she alone survived. In her search for answers, she becomes increasingly aware of the suffering and injustice around her finding herself immersed in the growing evil that has permeated the very fabric of her beloved city of Ammonihah. With deep pride, she also learns of the valuable role her fathers Brotherhood regimen played in keeping Ammonihahites safe.

Amid covert combinations of intrigue and tyranny, Raasah finds solace and aid from three unlikely comrades an unconventional healer, a pious carpenter, and a forlorn orphan. Together with the Brotherhood, they slowly uncover clues of who may be behind the murder of not just Raasahs father but of the murders and disappearances of so many other honourable citizens. As their queries progress, though, the priestcraft values and beliefs that have been engrained in Raasah are direly tested and become disturbingly dubitable!

Order of Nehor & the Brotherhood shares a fascinating tale of greed and betrayal, as a lone massacre survivor discovers a devastating truth that both saves and condemns her.

(Kootzs) research into the architecture, customs etc. drew me right into that era of time with a desire to learn more about the culture of these people. The flow of (Kootzs) story, the intrigue and political corruption draws the reader smoothly from chapter to chapter and is hard to put down. ending as well was excellent and encourages the reader to delve into book 2. I hope this trilogy flies off the shelves.

Dorothy Sera, Master Librarian, MLIS

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