A Woman Scorned … a Woman Rises
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A Woman Scorned … a Woman Rises

A Collection of Poetry
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Kylie Ruth Milhorat
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Love is glory, and love is hurtthe highest highs and lowest lows. With love comes vulnerability, offering oneself whole heartedly to another; giving someone your heart and for some magical reason, trusting them to hold it dearly. That other can choose to cradle our hearts carefully or crush them to pieces. But if weve never loved, how can we know loss, and if weve never been lost how can we feel found?Poet Kylie Ruth Milhorat shares her own journey into the realm of romance, mixing sad moments with lines of levity. She gives voice to the difficult emotions we try to hide and brings darkness to the light, proving that good things can come from bad and that even pain can be beautiful.
Love is glory, and love is hurtthe highest highs and lowest lows. With love comes vulnerability, offering oneself whole heartedly to another; giving someone your heart and for some magical reason, trusting them to hold it dearly. That other can choose to cradle our hearts carefully or crush them to pieces. But if weve never loved, how can we know loss, and if weve never been lost how can we feel found?Poet Kylie Ruth Milhorat shares her own journey into the realm of romance, mixing sad moments with lines of levity. She gives voice to the difficult emotions we try to hide and brings darkness to the light, proving that good things can come from bad and that even pain can be beautiful.

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