Mulberry Dreams
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Mulberry Dreams

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Robin H. Kramer
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Living on a farm can mean lots of hard work. But it can also mean having lots of animals and lots of fun.Meet horse-crazy Hilary Andrews in author Robin H. Kramers Mulberry Dreams. She loves nature and the outdoorsand her pony, Holly. Even on the most ordinary day, life at the Andrews farm is packed with extraordinary fun. But growing up on a farm, Hilary realizes that practical and sometimes hard decisions must be made. Even about her beloved pony.Mulberry Dreams tells the story of a young girl whose confidence and bravery grows daily through adventures and misadventures growing up on a south Florida farm in the sixties.
Living on a farm can mean lots of hard work. But it can also mean having lots of animals and lots of fun.Meet horse-crazy Hilary Andrews in author Robin H. Kramers Mulberry Dreams. She loves nature and the outdoorsand her pony, Holly. Even on the most ordinary day, life at the Andrews farm is packed with extraordinary fun. But growing up on a farm, Hilary realizes that practical and sometimes hard decisions must be made. Even about her beloved pony.Mulberry Dreams tells the story of a young girl whose confidence and bravery grows daily through adventures and misadventures growing up on a south Florida farm in the sixties.

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