Lorenzo’S Mind
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Lorenzo’S Mind

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Jose S. Dela Cruz
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Lorenzo is a sixty-two-year-old personal injury attorney who fears he is losing his mind. Plagued by recurring nightmares, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery to understand why. When he learns he is suffering the effects of litigating a major case, Lorenzo fears he is having a mental breakdown, decides to shun his perfectionism and take a new, more relaxed approach to life. After Lorenzo spontaneously decides to fulfill a lifelong dream and vacation in Europe with his wife, he begins exploring the significance of the essence of mans existence: the mind. As he searches for answers to his psychological dilemma, he helps others along the way while contemplating mans purpose, explores the irony of significant historical events, and reflects on the power of the human mind to change the world. But it is only after he returns home that Lorenzo realizes that his nightmares may have been a blessing in disguise as he slowly unveils the secret to happiness.In this poignant story, a brilliant attorney who fears he is losing his mind sets out on a personal mission to answer his complex questions and transform his life from unfulfilling to rewarding.
Lorenzo is a sixty-two-year-old personal injury attorney who fears he is losing his mind. Plagued by recurring nightmares, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery to understand why. When he learns he is suffering the effects of litigating a major case, Lorenzo fears he is having a mental breakdown, decides to shun his perfectionism and take a new, more relaxed approach to life.After Lorenzo spontaneously decides to fulfill a lifelong dream and vacation in Europe with his wife, he begins exploring the significance of the essence of mans existence: the mind. As he searches for answers to his psychological dilemma, he helps others along the way while contemplating mans purpose, explores the irony of significant historical events, and reflects on the power of the human mind to change the world. But it is only after he returns home that Lorenzo realizes that his nightmares may have been a blessing in disguise as he slowly unveils the secret to happiness.In this poignant story, a brilliant attorney who fears he is losing his mind sets out on a personal mission to answer his complex questions and transform his life from unfulfilling to rewarding.

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