The Revelation 12 Sign
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The Revelation 12 Sign

A Prophetic Sign for the Ages
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Phil Moser
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The book of Revelation contains great and important prophecies about the end of timesand significantly, about our redemption. But what should we be watching for? What are the signs of the fulfillment of these end-time prophecies, and what scriptural evidence is there to support what we may see? The Revelation 12 Sign explains how a major sign in the heavens will occur in September 2017 during the two-day feast of trumpets called Yom Teruah, which is also known as the hidden day. God will reveal this sign in the heavens for all to see, and it is foretold in Revelation 12:1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. This marks the prophetic birth of the corporate body of Christ known as the Church, and with this birth will follow the prophetic marriage of Christ and the churchthe Messiah and his church will become one flesh. As the days of Revelation draw closer and prophecy is both revealed and fulfilled, it is more important than ever for believers to understand the meaning of the characters, events, and symbols in Revelation as well as the appointed time known as Yom Teruah. The Revelation 12 Sign will elucidate powerful evidence supporting both the interpretation of this sign as well as how God desires his saints to be aware of what is to come.
The book of Revelation contains great and important prophecies about the end of timesand significantly, about our redemption. But what should we be watching for? What are the signs of the fulfillment of these end-time prophecies, and what scriptural evidence is there to support what we may see?The Revelation 12 Sign explains how a major sign in the heavens will occur in September 2017 during the two-day feast of trumpets called Yom Teruah, which is also known as the hidden day. God will reveal this sign in the heavens for all to see, and it is foretold in Revelation 12:1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. This marks the prophetic birth of the corporate body of Christ known as the Church, and with this birth will follow the prophetic marriage of Christ and the churchthe Messiah and his church will become one flesh.As the days of Revelation draw closer and prophecy is both revealed and fulfilled, it is more important than ever for believers to understand the meaning of the characters, events, and symbols in Revelation as well as the appointed time known as Yom Teruah. The Revelation 12 Sign will elucidate powerful evidence supporting both the interpretation of this sign as well as how God desires his saints to be aware of what is to come.

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