The Power of the People
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The Power of the People

The Story of the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016 and How and Why It Made History
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Bethany Potter
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On June 16, 2015, a man named Donald Trump announced, "e;Ladies and Gentlemen, I am officially running for President of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again!"e; Since Trump was a businessman who never held public office, hardly anyone took him seriously. After all, what does a reality TV star know about running a country?The presidential campaign began, as did the debates. Trump said some outrageous things! Most politicians and news reporters laughed because no other candidate talked like him. The media believed he was just a big joke, but across America, people started listening. People started to believe, especially as he visited struggling families and factories about to close.He went to places where crime and violence made it dangerous for children to walk to school. He went to places where terrorism was trying to take root. He went to the American people and listened-and the crowds grew because Trump, a businessman, understood. This is the story of the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016 and how and why it changed history forever.
On June 16, 2015, a man named Donald Trump announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am officially running for President of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again!" Since Trump was a businessman who never held public office, hardly anyone took him seriously. After all, what does a reality TV star know about running a country?The presidential campaign began, as did the debates. Trump said some outrageous things! Most politicians and news reporters laughed because no other candidate talked like him. The media believed he was just a big joke, but across America, people started listening. People started to believe, especially as he visited struggling families and factories about to close.He went to places where crime and violence made it dangerous for children to walk to school. He went to places where terrorism was trying to take root. He went to the American people and listened—and the crowds grew because Trump, a businessman, understood. This is the story of the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016 and how and why it changed history forever.

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