After Ever After
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After Ever After

Finding and Keeping the Love of a Lifetime
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Tom Boomershine
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

How do you find and keep the love of a lifetime? Are you tired of feeling lonely? Have you been looking for love but its been in all the wrong places? Have you found love but lost it and wonder if you will ever be able to love again? After Ever After, you will give you the tools you need to help you find and keep the love of a lifetime. With humor, straight talk, poignant stories and exercises designed to implement his suggestions, Tom Boomershine shows how to prepare yourself for a long term relationship. Youll discover where good places to look for love are, how to wait for the right time to have sex and what to do with your partner once youve found him or her. After Ever After will prepare you to get lucky-not just for a night, but forever. The End
How do you find and keep the love of a lifetime? Are you tired of feeling lonely? Have you been looking for love but its been in all the wrong places? Have you found love but lost it and wonder if you will ever be able to love again? After Ever After, you will give you the tools you need to help you find and keep the love of a lifetime. With humor, straight talk, poignant stories and exercises designed to implement his suggestions, Tom Boomershine shows how to prepare yourself for a long term relationship. Youll discover where good places to look for love are, how to wait for the right time to have sex and what to do with your partner once youve found him or her. After Ever After will prepare you to get lucky-not just for a night, but forever. The End

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