One Thing and Another and Other Stories
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One Thing and Another and Other Stories

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Neil D. Isaacs
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Ever since he moved out of the house, Wednesday has become Simons favorite day of the week. It is the day he picks up his fourteen-year-old daughter, Leni, from school, drives her to her piano lessons, and enjoys a post-lesson weekly dinner ritual with her. But one Wednesday after he drops Leni at home, Simon suddenly has a foreboding feeling that something is wrong and is subsequently led down a path he never could have imagined.In thirteen poignant and compelling stories filled with a varied cast of characters including Billie Holiday and a thinly disguised Paul Newman, Neil Isaacs shares a glimpse into the high and low points in the lives of lovers and loners, siblings and spouses, and families and neighbors. From Marthas Vineyard to Aruba and the Caymans and from Boston to New York and San Antonio, his characters face life-changing moments and learn valuable lessons while dealing with lifes unpredictable challenges.One Thing and Another and Other Stories shares short tales that reveal the quirks and flaws of human nature and prove that we are all more alike than different.
Ever since he moved out of the house, Wednesday has become Simons favorite day of the week. It is the day he picks up his fourteen-year-old daughter, Leni, from school, drives her to her piano lessons, and enjoys a post-lesson weekly dinner ritual with her. But one Wednesday after he drops Leni at home, Simon suddenly has a foreboding feeling that something is wrong and is subsequently led down a path he never could have imagined.In thirteen poignant and compelling stories filled with a varied cast of characters including Billie Holiday and a thinly disguised Paul Newman, Neil Isaacs shares a glimpse into the high and low points in the lives of lovers and loners, siblings and spouses, and families and neighbors. From Marthas Vineyard to Aruba and the Caymans and from Boston to New York and San Antonio, his characters face life-changing moments and learn valuable lessons while dealing with lifes unpredictable challenges.One Thing and Another and Other Stories shares short tales that reveal the quirks and flaws of human nature and prove that we are all more alike than different.

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