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My Wife’S Odyssey Through Illness
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Michael P. DeBenedetto
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Author Michael P. DeBenedetto and his wife, Ginny, were married August 27, 1955, in Somerville, Massachusetts. They promised to love and care for each other in sickness and in health. But for Michael, that vow would challenge him and their marriage.In Ginny, her husband Mike narrates the story of his life with Ginny and offers insight into the responsibility of caring for someone who is challenged with a variety of health issues. From their dating years, to marriage, to having children, and more, this memoir shares how the husband and wife lived life while dealing with Ginnys medical problems that included everything from thyroid problems, depression, a hysterectomy, radical mastectomy, malignant brain tumor, and others. Ginny lost her battle in 1997.Now in his late eighties, Mike reflects on their life together and how he depended on Gods grace. He melds stories and pieces of family history to paint a picture of Ginny and the challenges she endured.
Author Michael P. DeBenedetto and his wife, Ginny, were married August 27, 1955, in Somerville, Massachusetts. They promised to love and care for each other in sickness and in health. But for Michael, that vow would challenge him and their marriage.In Ginny, her husband Mike narrates the story of his life with Ginny and offers insight into the responsibility of caring for someone who is challenged with a variety of health issues. From their dating years, to marriage, to having children, and more, this memoir shares how the husband and wife lived life while dealing with Ginnys medical problems that included everything from thyroid problems, depression, a hysterectomy, radical mastectomy, malignant brain tumor, and others. Ginny lost her battle in 1997.Now in his late eighties, Mike reflects on their life together and how he depended on Gods grace. He melds stories and pieces of family history to paint a picture of Ginny and the challenges she endured.

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