Luka the Light Chaser
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Luka the Light Chaser

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Rod Hilsabeck
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Fixed format
Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Luka loves to read in bed at night before he falls asleep. But when he gets in trouble and is sent to bed without his flashlight, he suddenly discovers his bedroom has turned into a dark and mysterious cave. As Luka wanders, he meets desperate cave dwellers who have been waiting for the Light Chaser to lead them out of darkness and defeat the furry Garbles. But more than anything, he just wants to go home. As the Garbles snarl around him in the lightless cavern, Luka must summon the courage to keep going in spite of his fear. Only he can save the cave dwellers and himself from the Garbles.In this childrens book, a young boy lost in the darkness must use his bravery and imagination to save himself and others around him.
Luka loves to read in bed at night before he falls asleep. But when he gets in trouble and is sent to bed without his flashlight, he suddenly discovers his bedroom has turned into a dark and mysterious cave.As Luka wanders, he meets desperate cave dwellers who have been waiting for the Light Chaser to lead them out of darkness and defeat the furry Garbles. But more than anything, he just wants to go home. As the Garbles snarl around him in the lightless cavern, Luka must summon the courage to keep going in spite of his fear. Only he can save the cave dwellers and himself from the Garbles.In this childrens book, a young boy lost in the darkness must use his bravery and imagination to save himself and others around him.

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