See Wendel Weasel for All the Local News
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See Wendel Weasel for All the Local News

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Jane Kopper Hilleary
eBook Typ:
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Fixed format
Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

When Wendel Weasel spots a beaver family munching on some trees near the river, he just cant wait to share the news. He races throughout the forest spreading the word that the beaver residents are building a dam and all of the animals will be flooded out. The rabbits are very worried, as are the squirrels. They plan to take shelter at the Johnsons barn on the hill where they will be safe from rising water.But groundhogs Uncle Root and Aunt Eartha cant believe the news is true. Would the beaver family really put all of the animals lives in danger? They need to discover the truth.A picture book for children, this story captures the warmth and fun of forest creatures who suddenly feel in peril because of false news.
When Wendel Weasel spots a beaver family munching on some trees near the river, he just cant wait to share the news. He races throughout the forest spreading the word that the beaver residents are building a dam and all of the animals will be flooded out. The rabbits are very worried, as are the squirrels. They plan to take shelter at the Johnsons barn on the hill where they will be safe from rising water.But groundhogs Uncle Root and Aunt Eartha cant believe the news is true. Would the beaver family really put all of the animals lives in danger? They need to discover the truth.A picture book for children, this story captures the warmth and fun of forest creatures who suddenly feel in peril because of false news.

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