Australian Rainforest Woods
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Australian Rainforest Woods

Characteristics, Uses and Identification
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Morris Lake
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Australian Rainforest Woods describes 141 of the most significant Australian rainforest trees and their wood. The introductory sections draw the reader into an understanding of the botanical, evolutionary, environmental, historical and international significance of this beautiful but finite Australian resource. The main section examines the species and their wood with photographs, botanical descriptions and a summary of the characteristics of the wood. A section on wood identification includes fundamental information on tree growth and wood structure, as well as images of the basic characteristics. With more than 900 colour images, this is the most comprehensive guide ever written on Australian rainforest woods, both for the amateur and the professional wood enthusiast. It is the first time that macrophotographs of the wood have been shown in association with a physical description of wood characteristics, which will aid identification. This technique was developed by Jean-Claude Cerre, France, and his macrophotographs are included in the book.
Australian Rainforest Woods describes 141 of the most significant Australian rainforest trees and their wood. The introductory sections draw the reader into an understanding of the botanical, evolutionary, environmental, historical and international significance of this beautiful but finite Australian resource. The main section examines the species and their wood with photographs, botanical descriptions and a summary of the characteristics of the wood. A section on wood identification includes fundamental information on tree growth and wood structure, as well as images of the basic characteristics. With more than 900 colour images, this is the most comprehensive guide ever written on Australian rainforest woods, both for the amateur and the professional wood enthusiast. It is the first time that macrophotographs of the wood have been shown in association with a physical description of wood characteristics, which will aid identification. This technique was developed by Jean-Claude Cerre, France, and his macrophotographs are included in the book.

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