Positive Energy Homes
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Positive Energy Homes

Creating Passive Houses for Better Living
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Robin Brimblecombe
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Positive energy homes enable people to live healthy and comfortable lives with energy left over to share. Creating a house you love that produces surplus energy is surprisingly easy with a thorough understanding of how buildings work and careful attention to detail in construction. The Passive House standard, with its well-proven track record, forms the basis for creating positive energy homes. This book explores the Passive House ‘fabric first’ approach, as well as the science and practicalities of effective ventilation strategies, smart options for heating and cooling, daylight harvesting, and efficient lighting and appliances.Positive Energy Homes provides home owners world-wide, architects and builders with an understanding of the principles and technical details of building these houses.
Positive energy homes enable people to live healthy and comfortable lives with energy left over to share. Creating a house you love that produces surplus energy is surprisingly easy with a thorough understanding of how buildings work and careful attention to detail in construction. The Passive House standard, with its well-proven track record, forms the basis for creating positive energy homes. This book explores the Passive House ‘fabric first’ approach, as well as the science and practicalities of effective ventilation strategies, smart options for heating and cooling, daylight harvesting, and efficient lighting and appliances.Positive Energy Homes provides home owners world-wide, architects and builders with an understanding of the principles and technical details of building these houses.

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