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Run, Run, Run

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Henry Osal
eBook Typ:
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

This short guide looks at running from a new perspective. It explores the benefits that come from running to both physical and mental health. It is especially recommended for those who wish to start running or have just started out as it gives numerous tips and provides a clear plan and approach for beginning runners. It is written in a clear, direct and uncomplicated style. This guide will make us all want to start running. This book is written by Henry Osal who has been number #1 in the self-help category in more than 20 countries.
This short guide looks at running from a new perspective.  It explores the benefits that come from running to both physical and mental health.  It is especially recommended for those who wish to start running or have just started out as it gives numerous tips and provides a clear plan and approach for beginning runners.  It is written in a clear, direct and uncomplicated style.  This guide will make us all want to start running.  This book is written by Henry Osal who has been number #1 in the self-help category in more than 20 countries.

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