Alexia - The Nergal’s Host
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Alexia - The Nergal’s Host

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Donnefar Skedar
eBook Typ:
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

A young woman is found, almost dying, near a hospital whose scientists, unknown to the society, were realizing all different kinds of experiments. Without any intentions of harming the girl's body, they test a new kind of regenerative product with the purpose of healing her; such perfection is not understandable for the human mind. However, the patient that they choose for the trial, besides having probably suffered a brutal rape, she is in a coma, a way that only the skin could be tested. Performing an emergency surgery, to regenerate Alexia's face, they prove that the trial cream really is perfect, but they never imagine the collateral damage that occurs while the product acts on her recently sutured skin.
A young woman is found, almost dying, near a hospital whose scientists, unknown to the society, were realizing all different kinds of experiments. Without any intentions of harming the girl's body, they test a new kind of regenerative product with the purpose of healing her; such perfection is not understandable for the human mind. However, the patient that they choose for the trial, besides having probably suffered a brutal rape, she is in a coma, a way that only the skin could be tested. Performing an emergency surgery, to regenerate Alexia's face, they prove that the trial cream really is perfect, but they never imagine the collateral damage that occurs while the product acts on her recently sutured skin.

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