Come, Sweet Death!

Winner of the Deutschen Krimi-Preis, Kategorie National 1999, Originaltitel:Komm, süßer Tod
Nicht lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Nicht lieferbar I
235 g
209x140x14 mm

Wolf Haas was born in 1960 in the Austrian province of Salzburg. He is the author of seven books in the bestselling Brenner mystery series, three of which have been adapted into major German-language films by director Wolfgang Murnberger. Among other prizes, the books in the series have been awarded the German Thriller Prize and the 2004 Literature Prize from the city of Vienna. Haas lives in Vienna.
Annie Janusch is the translator of the Art of the Novella series edition of Heinrich von Kleist's The Duel, as well as the first three books in Wolf Haas's Brenner series, Brenner and God, The Bone Man, and Resurrection.
The third Brenner book finds the detective in Vienna, uncovering corruption in the ambulance business...and just barely escaping with his life in the process.
Disillusioned ex-cop Simon Brenner decides to take a job as an ambulance driver, in the hopes of getting away from the drudgery and corruption in the police force, and finding a worthy profession.' But the ambulance service he goes to work for has a problem - their major competitors are beating them to every pick-up, somehow listening on their radio communications. And Brenner can't help being just a little bit curious about this chance to do some detective work. Things turn darker as he digs deeper, and it turns out that ambulances are a cutthroat business...'

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