Thomas, M: Fixers

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Michael M. Thomas is a former partner at Lehman Brothers, and the bestselling author of nine novels, including, most recently, Love and Money. His commentary and criticism have appeared in The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post, and in a regular column for The New York Observer. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
James B. Stewart, bestselling author of Den of Thieves, raves that Fixers "is a hugely entertaining novel that steps boldly into the most perplexing and enduring mystery of the financial crisis: why its perpetrators were not only not punished, but rewarded by the government." In Fixers, Michael M. Thomas, the New York Times-bestselling novelist and longtime financial insider, has crafted an exhilarating thriller of a top conspiracy between Wall Street and the White House. On a winter's night, a well-heeled "cultural consultant" named Chauncey Suydam gets a call from the head of the world's most powerful investment bank, who says a financial crisis is brewing and has a plan to insulate Wall Street from the fallout-and keep people such as himself out of jail. His mission for Chauncey is simple: to help funnel millions of dollars to a presidential candidate espousing change, in exchange for a few Wall Street-friendly names in the resultant administration. Yet as Chauncey wends his way among the nation's political elite and becomes addicted to his masterful manipulations, he sees with greater clarity than ever how decisions really get made-on Wall Street and in Washington. And as the magnitude of the fix he's perpetrating begins to sink in, its poisonous affect on Main Street becomes apparent, and his addiction to his masterful manipulations evident, Chauncey starts to have second thoughts. Is it too late?

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