The Mirror Thief

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753 g
236x156x53 mm

MARTIN SEAY is the executive secretary for the village of Wheeling, Illinois. His work has appeared in The Believer, Joyland, Gargoyle, The Gettysburg Review, and elsewhere. The Mirror Thief is his first novel.
A New York Times NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEARAn NPR BEST BOOK OF THE YEARA Publishers Weekly BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR A globetrotting, time-bending, wildly entertaining masterpiece hailed by the New York Times Book Review as "Audaciously well written … the book I was raving about to my friends before I'd even finished it." Set in three different eras, and in three different locations-all, coincidentally, named Venice-this "startling, beautiful gem of a book" (NPR) calls to mind David Mitchell and Umberto Eco in its mix of entertainment and literary bravado. The core story is set in sixteenth-century Venice, where, on the island of Murano, the famed makers of Venetian glass were perfecting one of the old world's most wondrous inventions: the mirror. An object of glittering yet fearful fascination-was it reflecting simple reality, or something more spiritually revealing?-the Venetian mirrors were state-of-the-art technology, subject to industrial espionage by desirous sultans and royals world-wide. Thus, for the skilled craftsmen that made them, any attempt to leave the island-to steal the technology-was a crime punishable by death. One man, however-a world-weary war hero with nothing to lose-has a scheme he thinks will allow him to outwit the city's terrifying enforcers of the edict, the ominous Council of Ten . . . Meanwhile, in two other Venices-Venice Beach, California, circa 1958, and the Venice casino in Las Vegas, circa today-two other schemers launch similarly dangerous plans to get away with a secret . . .All three stories weave together into a spell-binding tour de force that is impossible to put down-an old-fashioned, stay-up-all-night novel that, in the end, returns the reader to a stunning conclusion in the original Venice . . . and the bedazzled sense of having read a truly original and thrilling work of art.

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