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Beaumarly hospitality group, created by father-and-son duo Gilbert and Thierry Costes, encompasses more than 20 ultra-stylish properties dotted around the City of Light. From the Louvre courtyard to the Pompidou Centre rooftop, from Saint-Germain-des-Prés to the Bastille, Beaumarly establishments include Café Marly, Café Beaubourg, Hôtel Amour, and Brasserie Thoumieux. Each distinctive venue is a collaboration with the hottest designers, such as Christian de Portzamparc, India Mahdavi, and Jacques Garcia, and acclaimed chefs including Thierry Burlot and Jean-François Piège. Celebrated for their unique ambience and atmosphere, each star in the Beaumarly galaxy exemplifies a true Parisian art de vivre.

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