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770 g
287x222x20 mm

Daniel Cappello is currently the fashion director of Quest Media, which publishes the cultural magazine Quest and the fashion magazine Q. He has worked on the editorial staffs of The New Yorker, George, and Harvard Current, and has written for Playbill, Absolute New York, W, Ralph Lauren's RL Magazine, and NewYorker.com. Cappello previously served President Bill Clinton as director of specialty press, and he earned his BA in government from Harvard University. Cappello is the author of The Ivy League (Assouline, 2012).
Dinner Diaries follows in the spirit of Assouline's popular Proust Questionnaire, Fashion Questionnaire, and Wine Questionnaire, using the format of Proust's handy interview helper, here written by Daniel Cappello, to ask everything about dinner parties, from preferred seating arrangements to the best conversation topics.Featuring handwritten answers from experienced hosts such as fashion staple and philanthropist Allison Aston, chef Alex Hitz, and businesswoman Eva Jeanbart-Lorenzotti, in addition to blank questionnaires in the back to share with friends.Dinner Diaries will be illustrated with ephemera from these hosts-seating charts, menus, guest lists, place cards-as well as archival pieces from the most glamorous dinner parties of yesteryear. The dinner party has evolved in the last few years, and here's a way to keep up with the times!

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