Young Hollywood

Foreword by Kors, Michael, Introduction by Seimetz, Amy
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1950 g
332x251x29 mm

Frank, Claiborne SwansonPortrait photographer and stylist, Claiborne Swanson Frank was born in Naples, Florida and raised in San Francisco, California. Claiborne moved to New York in 2007 and worked at Vogue under Editor-in-Chief, Anna Wintour, leaving the magazine in 2009. Shortly thereafter, she began to pursue a career in photography. In 2010, Claiborne began her first body of work, a collection of portraits of women in her life, which served as inspiration for her debut book, Assouline's American Beauty, published in the spring of 2012. Claiborne's cover image for American Beauty , of model Lily Aldridge, was on display at the de Young museum in San Francisco in the summer of 2012. Soon after the release of American Beauty , Claiborne moved to Los Angeles and began her journey working on Young Hollywood, her second book of portraits. In tandem with her creation of Young Hollywood, she has spent the past two years collaborating with American and European fashion brands, and contributing to various editorial publications. She currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband, James, their son Hunter, and dog Blue.
Young Hollywood is a beautiful body of work by portrait photographer Claiborne Swanson Frank, which comes on the heels of her first book with Assouline, American Beauty, published in 2012. Swanson Frank photographed over 60 of the hottest, up-and-coming women to watch in Hollywood today, drawing inspiration from old Hollywood. Among these women are actresses, directors, producers, screenwriters, stylists, and more-from Isabel Lucas and Elisabeth Moss, to Dakota Johnson and Imogen Poots, to Mickey Sumner and Amber Heard. Brimming with gorgeous portraits, alongside short texts, transcribed by Genevieve Bahrenberg, in the voices of the women themselves, a foreword by Michael Kors, an introduction by Amy Seimetz, and a Q&A between Lesley M. M. Blume and Swanson Frank, discussing the making of the book, Young Hollywood captures the essence and the allure of what it means to be a starlet in modern day Hollywood.

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