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1140 g
279x192x27 mm

Lee Radziwill has been a mother, an actress, an interior design consultant, and a public relations executive for Giorgio Armani, and in 2008 received the Légion d'Honneur from the French government. The younger sister of the late Jacqueline Onassis, Radziwill fell in love with Paris on her first trip to Europe, with her sister, in 1949. Today Radziwill leads a quiet life, dividing her time between New York City and Paris.
As begun in the best-selling Happy Times, her first book with Assouline, Lee Radziwill's colorful journey continues in the much-anticipated Lee. In this quest for privacy and freedom within a highly publicized life, Radziwill shares her unique perspective as a witness to history, recalling her friendships with the numerous cultural figures, from Rudolf Nureyev to Truman Capote, who have punctuated her life. Filled with anecdotes and personal photographs, Lee is Radziwill's reflection on the people who have opened intellectual and emotional doors throughout her life.

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