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2506 g
343x273x43 mm

Laure Verchère holds a degree in art history. A former journalist for Elle Décoration, she is currently a luxury lifestyle brand artistic consultant. Verchère's other titles for Assouline include Renzo Mongiardino: Renaissance Master of Style (2013), and Antiquaires: Paris Flea Markets (2010).
With the credo "history and savoir faire working in unison," internationally acclaimed interior designer Juan Pablo Molyneux creates luxurious interiors the way others write epics. Molyneux's interiors are space-time extravaganzas, and the designer surrounds himself with master artisans adept at centuries-old techniques including lacquer work, decorative painting, plaster work, straw marquetry, and lavishly embroidered drapery and upholstery. Featuring gorgeous photography of sumptuous interiors, Juan Pablo Molyneux: At Home presents the magnificent work of this acclaimed designer and his respected studio artisans.

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