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3342 g
401x306x60 mm

Temple St. Clair found her passion for creative expression in gold and precious gemstones over thirty years ago and founded her company in Florence, Italy, beginning her partnership with the world's finest goldsmith the centuries-old Florentine jewelers guild. Barneys New York inaugurated their fine jewelry department with St. Clair's first collection in 1986, and in 2016 she was awarded the GEM Award for Jewelry Design, the jewelry industry's most prestigious honor. Mythical Creatures from the Golden Menagerie and Wings of Desire, made their debuts at the Louvre Museum in Paris in January 2015 and July 2016.
With an artist's eye and explorer's heart, Temple St. Clair explores our relationship to animals through a lens of whimsy and discovery. St. Clair, winner of the 2016 GEM Award for Jewelry Design, celebrates rare gemstones and Florentine craftsmanship in each of the one-of-a-kind pieces that comprise her Haute Couture collection, illustrated through luminous photography and St. Clair's original watercolor paintings in The Golden Menagerie. From vibrantly jeweled Fantasy Birds earrings to a ring mounted with a falcon ready to take flight from the wearer's finger, this exclusive window into St. Clair's world brings her alchemical creations to life.

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