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Frederic Beigbeder is a French writer, literary critic, filmmaker, and television host. He is the creator of the Prix de Flore and chairs its jury, and he is also editorial director of Lui magazine. In 2003 he won the Interallie Prize for Windows on the World, and in 2009 he received the Prix Renaudot for his book Un roman francis. He previously contributed to Le Caca's Club, published by Assouline in 2015.
A nostalgic and bittersweet love story, Manhattan's Babe is a fictionalized account of the true-life romance between J.D. Salinger and Oona O'Neill, daughter of the great American playwright. The two first met in New York City in 1940, when Jerry Salinger, 21, was an up-and-coming writer and Oona, 15, was a beautiful and charming socialite who partied at the Stork Club with Truman Capote and Gloria Vanderbilt. Their all-too-short romance blossomed during the summer of 1941, just a few months before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the U.S. joined World War II.

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