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1665 g
332x253x25 mm

The Arctic Melt: Images of a Disappearing Landscape is a new monograph by acclaimed art and environmental photographer Diane Tuft. Following on the heels of Diane's previous volume, Gondwana: Images of an Ancient Land, this new installment showcases her breathtaking and visually astounding journey to such places as Svalbard and Ny-Ålesund, Norway, and Disko Bay, Greenland to capture the ice in the Arctic Circle before the constant melt renders the once frozen landscape unrecognizable. Featured are images of Svalbard, Norway, the ice pack of the Arctic Ocean, and the icebergs and ice sheet of Greenland. In a remarkably new take on illustrating the effects global warming, and with over fifty stunning photographs, The Arctic Melt chronicles Diane's passage through the waning tundra as millenniums of ice thaw at a faster rate than ever before.

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