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2217 g
336x253x32 mm

For the rst time, the Ornellaia wine estate opens its doors, offering readers a glimpse of its magnificent landscape and a tantalizing taste of traditional Tuscan hospitality. One of the best wines in the world, Ornellaia is the culmination of the best of contemporary winemaking, cultivated through centuries of illustrious Italian heritage. In just thirty years, Ornellaia has built a reputation of international renown among the cognoscenti. Nestled in Bolgheri, where the cerulean blue of the Tyrrhenian Sea meets the rich plains of the ancient Etruscan coast, the Ornellaia estate enjoys a unique terroir cooled by sea breezes, warmed by the golden sun, replete with quintessential vistas of cypresses and lush vineyards quilting the gently rolling hills.

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