30-Second Ancient Egypt
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30-Second Ancient Egypt

The 50 Most Important Achievements of a Timeless Civilization, each Explained in Half a Minute
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Peter Der Manuelian
eBook Typ:
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Reflowable EPUB
Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Weve all heard of pyramids, hieroglyphs and Cleopatra, but how much do you really know about ancient Egypt? Why was the Nile integral to the unification of Egypt? What is the mystery surrounding Queen Hetepheres tomb? What did the Amarna Letters reveal? What did the ancient Egyptians eat and drink? 30-Second Ancient Egypt presents a unique insight into one of the most brilliant and beguiling civilizations, where technological innovations and architectural wonders emerge among mysterious gods and burial rites. Each entry is summarized in just 30 seconds using nothing more than two pages, 300 words and a single picture. From royal dynasties and Tutankhamuns tomb, to hieroglyphs and mummification, interspersed with biographies of Egypts most intriguing rulers, this is the quickest path to understanding the 50 key ideas and innovations that developed and defined one of the worlds great civilizations.
Weve all heard of pyramids, hieroglyphs and Cleopatra, but how much do you really know about ancient Egypt? Why was the Nile integral to the unification of Egypt? What is the mystery surrounding Queen Hetepheres tomb? What did the Amarna Letters reveal? What did the ancient Egyptians eat and drink? 30-Second Ancient Egypt presents a unique insight into one of the most brilliant and beguiling civilizations, where technological innovations and architectural wonders emerge among mysterious gods and burial rites. Each entry is summarized in just 30 seconds using nothing more than two pages, 300 words and a single picture. From royal dynasties and Tutankhamuns tomb, to hieroglyphs and mummification, interspersed with biographies of Egypts most intriguing rulers, this is the quickest path to understanding the 50 key ideas and innovations that developed and defined one of the worlds great civilizations.

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