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A dedicated lifelong walker, Sandra worked in Melbourne, Australia, as an archivist and historian after doing a PhD on the history of national parks in her home state of Victoria. In her spare time she wrote a regular column about bushwalking (hiking) in Melbourne's leading daily newspapers, and many articles and books on walking and national parks in south-eastern Australia. She moved to Scotland in 1989, and in recent years she has written guidebooks for Lonely Planet (Italy, Ireland, France, Scotland, Australia), Rucksack Readers (Ireland, Scotland and England) and Sunflower Books (Croatia and Poland-Slovakia, 2006).
The Kerry Way runs for 130 miles through Ireland's most spectacular mountain landscapes, starting and finishing in the town of Killarney. This guidebook contains all you need to plan and enjoy your holiday: detailed route mapping; the Way in sections, with distance, terrain and refreshments; third edition fully revised after route check.

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