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Kilpedder - A History of its People

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This book gives a fascinating glimpse into the history and lives of landowners and tenants from the County Wicklow village of Kilpedder and ten surrounding townlands, from early settlers to the present day. Kilpedder in County Wicklow is set amongst some of the most beautiful scenery in Ireland. The village borders ten townlands, Altidore, Ballyronan, Bromley, Downs, Holywell, Johnstown, Killickabawn, Mount Kennedy, Seaview, and Tinnapark. Geographically the townlands are all within a two-mile radius of Kilpedder village and some occupants were closely inter-related or linked by marriage.Meticulously researched and includes a genealogical history on selected families, photographs, maps, Irish Times Newspaper Archive articles, transcribed baptism, marriage and burial records from local parish records, surname listings compiled from burial records, cemeteries, hearth money rolls, manuscripts, election registers, cancelled valuations, Griffith Valuations, estate records, 1901/1911 census records, and much more.The information compiled will be valuable for persons interested in local history, or researching their ancestors in the townlands covered. Kilpedder and the townlands that border it are indeed steeped in history dating back to pre-Christian times.
This book gives a fascinating glimpse into the history and lives of landowners and tenants from the County Wicklow village of Kilpedder and ten surrounding townlands, from early settlers to the present day. Kilpedder in County Wicklow is set amongst some of the most beautiful scenery in Ireland. The village borders ten townlands, Altidore, Ballyronan, Bromley, Downs, Holywell, Johnstown, Killickabawn, Mount Kennedy, Seaview, and Tinnapark. Geographically the townlands are all within a two-mile radius of Kilpedder village and some occupants were closely inter-related or linked by marriage.Meticulously researched and includes a genealogical history on selected families, photographs, maps, Irish Times Newspaper Archive articles, transcribed baptism, marriage and burial records from local parish records, surname listings compiled from burial records, cemeteries, hearth money rolls, manuscripts, election registers, cancelled valuations, Griffith Valuations, estate records, 1901/1911 census records, and much more.The information compiled will be valuable for persons interested in local history, or researching their ancestors in the townlands covered. Kilpedder and the townlands that border it are indeed steeped in history dating back to pre-Christian times.

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