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Spiritually Receive and Psychologically Achieve Pure, Perfect, Peace

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''This booklet can be read in approximately 75minutes. It is written by a qualified counselor and is based upon modern psychological research, ancient wisdom, and the New Testament Gospel message. It will upgrade the readers spiritual and psychological knowledge from the classic quotations and factual psychological research and increase the readers intelligence from the wisdom keys that are given throughout the brief booklet. The reader is taken on a enriching spiritual journey from page one and is exposed to some of the most deep issues in counseling and psychotherapy today. Spiritual solutions to these existenial issues and even a solution to mankind's deepest problem is given which is guaranteed to bring spiritual freedom and psychological serenity to those that discover the Truth - which the vast majority are unaware of.''
''This booklet can be read in approximately 75minutes. It is written by a qualified counselor and is based upon modern psychological research, ancient wisdom, and the New Testament Gospel message. It will upgrade the readers spiritual and psychological knowledge from the classic quotations and factual psychological research and increase the readers intelligence from the wisdom keys that are given throughout the brief booklet. The reader is taken on a enriching spiritual journey from page one and is exposed to some of the most deep issues in counseling and psychotherapy today. Spiritual solutions to these existenial issues and even a solution to mankind's deepest problem is given which is guaranteed to bring spiritual freedom and psychological serenity to those that discover the Truth - which the vast majority are unaware of.''

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