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Tiny Footprints

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The book is about the journey of 80 families from around Ireland who have had a premature baby or babies. Each story recounts very vividly the rollercoaster of events that ensues when a baby arrives before it's time. Each story epitomizes the difficulties faced by ordinary parents who find themselves thrown into the unfamiliar, frightening and highly medicalised world of Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU's).
The book is about the journey of 80 families from around Ireland who have had a premature baby or babies. Each story recounts very vividly the rollercoaster of events that ensues when a baby arrives before it's time. Each story epitomizes the difficulties faced by ordinary parents who find themselves thrown into the unfamiliar, frightening and highly medicalised world of Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU's).

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