London’s Overthrow
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London’s Overthrow

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
China Mieville
eBook Typ:
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Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

London's Overthrow is a potent polemic describing the capital in a time of austerity at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Award-winning author and essayist China Mieville cuts through the hyperbole of our politicians to present a view from ordinary London - of the inequality, oppression and indignity and the hidden, subversive sentiment pervading throughout our streets. 'China Mieville does more than reveal the skull beneath the London's scabby, piebald skin; he offers effervescent nourishment for the downpressed souls that stalk the streets of his divided city. Anybody who wants to know what has happened here - in the ground zero of a failed neoliberal experiment - must start with his unsettling panorama.' Paul Gilroy 'Mieville gives us a vision of a pre-apocalyptic London, where the chasm between rich and poor has reached catastrophic levels and anger is the only reasonable response.' Hari Kunzru
London's Overthrow is a potent polemic describing the capital in a time of austerity at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Award-winning author and essayist China Miéville cuts through the hyperbole of our politicians to present a view from ordinary London - of the inequality, oppression and indignity and the hidden, subversive sentiment pervading throughout our streets. 'China Miéville does more than reveal the skull beneath the London's scabby, piebald skin; he offers effervescent nourishment for the downpressed souls that stalk the streets of his divided city. Anybody who wants to know what has happened here - in the ground zero of a failed neoliberal experiment - must start with his unsettling panorama.' Paul Gilroy 'Miéville gives us a vision of a pre-apocalyptic London, where the chasm between rich and poor has reached catastrophic levels and anger is the only reasonable response.' Hari Kunzru

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