Friends and Secrets
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Friends and Secrets

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Grace Thompson
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

  In their favorite café, a group of women meets regularly to discuss their troubles—but even friends can’t always tell each other the truth . . .   In a Welsh seaside town, Cynthia is happily married to her lifelong sweetheart, but not even the wealth and security they’ve built together makes her willing to reveal the abuse and trauma they suffered as children. Meriel’s husband has abandoned her for another woman. And well-meaning but snobbish Joanne can’t admit that behind her prosperous façade, she’s struggling for every penny.   As new people enter their lives, these women must draw on all their resources to meet the challenges thrown at them. But can they learn to rely on each other, or will they stand alone?
  In their favorite café, a group of women meets regularly to discuss their troubles—but even friends can’t always tell each other the truth . . .   In a Welsh seaside town, Cynthia is happily married to her lifelong sweetheart, but not even the wealth and security they’ve built together makes her willing to reveal the abuse and trauma they suffered as children. Meriel’s husband has abandoned her for another woman. And well-meaning but snobbish Joanne can’t admit that behind her prosperous façade, she’s struggling for every penny.   As new people enter their lives, these women must draw on all their resources to meet the challenges thrown at them. But can they learn to rely on each other, or will they stand alone?

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