Armour of Achilles
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Armour of Achilles

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Glyn Iliffe
The Adventures of Odysseus
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The greatest battle needs the greatest of warriorsThe siege of Troy is in its ninth year. But Troy still stands.When Agamemnon is threatened with mutiny by disillusioned troops, he changes tactics. Ordering attacks on Troy s allies, he deprives the city of reinforcements, trade and supplies. Yet even this does not draw the Trojans out from behind their walls.Meanwhile Odysseus, Eperitus and their men have become hardened soldiers. Odysseus just wants to return home to his island Kingdom of Ithaca. But while Agamemnon is still determined to revenge himself upon Troy for the theft of Helen by Paris, Odysseus is held by the oath that he himself created.Eperitus too is tormented: sworn to protect the very man who murdered his daughter. As the war continues, Odysseus realises that sheer numbers will never overwhelm Tory. If he is ever to return home, then he must use cunning and guile to bring about its downfall The Adventures of Odysseus1. King of Ithaca2. The Gates of Troy3. The Armour of Achilles4. The Oracles of Troy5. The Voyages of Odysseus6. Return to IthacaPraise for Glyn Iliffe It has suspense, treachery, and bone-crunching action it will leave fans of the genre eagerly awaiting the rest of the series Times Literary Supplement'This is a must read for those who enjoy good old epic battles, chilling death scenes and the extravagance of ancient Greece Lifestyle Magazine The reader does not need to be classicist to enjoy this epic and stirring tale. It makes a great novel Historical Novels Review I found it utterly fascinating, the historic detail was excellent. This was an easy and enjoyable read, and I am looking forward to the next instalments. As a personal read I can absolutely recommend it Book Talk Bournemouth An exciting story with plenty of action, and the requisite supernatural elements if you are a fan of writers like Bernard Cornwell, Simon Scarrow and Conn Iggulden you will enjoy this. Rachel Hyde,
The greatest battle needs the greatest of warriorsThe siege of Troy is in its ninth year. But Troy still stands.When Agamemnon is threatened with mutiny by disillusioned troops, he changes tactics. Ordering attacks on Troy s allies, he deprives the city of reinforcements, trade and supplies. Yet even this does not draw the Trojans out from behind their walls.Meanwhile Odysseus, Eperitus and their men have become hardened soldiers. Odysseus just wants to return home to his island Kingdom of Ithaca. But while Agamemnon is still determined to revenge himself upon Troy for the theft of Helen by Paris, Odysseus is held by the oath that he himself created.Eperitus too is tormented: sworn to protect the very man who murdered his daughter. As the war continues, Odysseus realises that sheer numbers will never overwhelm Tory. If he is ever to return home, then he must use cunning and guile to bring about its downfall The Adventures of Odysseus1. King of Ithaca2. The Gates of Troy3. The Armour of Achilles4. The Oracles of Troy5. The Voyages of Odysseus6. Return to IthacaPraise for Glyn Iliffe It has suspense, treachery, and bone-crunching action it will leave fans of the genre eagerly awaiting the rest of the series Times Literary Supplement'This is a must read for those who enjoy good old epic battles, chilling death scenes and the extravagance of ancient Greece Lifestyle Magazine The reader does not need to be classicist to enjoy this epic and stirring tale. It makes a great novel Historical Novels Review I found it utterly fascinating, the historic detail was excellent. This was an easy and enjoyable read, and I am looking forward to the next instalments. As a personal read I can absolutely recommend it Book Talk Bournemouth An exciting story with plenty of action, and the requisite supernatural elements if you are a fan of writers like Bernard Cornwell, Simon Scarrow and Conn Iggulden you will enjoy this. Rachel Hyde,

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