For My Brother’s Sins
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For My Brother’s Sins

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Sheelagh Kelly
The Feeney Family Sagas
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One treacherous act turns a brother's love into murderous rage...Summer, 1867: a sudden change in fortune promises to save the Feeneys from their life of poverty. But what will save the Feeney family from itself? Patrick and Thomasin Feeney and their children, Erin, Richard and Sonny, each have different dreams and as these dreams grow the old bonds between them begin to break. Husband and wife, father and son, brother and brother are all in conflict. But it is Richard, as dishonest and selfish as he is handsome and charming, whose final betrayal threatens everything The second in the bestselling Feeney Family sagas, For My Brother's Sins is an unputdownable and emotionally moving saga for fans of Annie Murray, Maggie Ford and Anna Jacobs.Praise for Sheelagh Kelly Sheelagh Kelly surely can write Sunderland Echo Genuinely perceptive portrayals of human relationships Irish Independent
One treacherous act turns a brother's love into murderous rage...Summer, 1867: a sudden change in fortune promises to save the Feeneys from their life of poverty. But what will save the Feeney family from itself? Patrick and Thomasin Feeney and their children, Erin, Richard and Sonny, each have different dreams and as these dreams grow the old bonds between them begin to break. Husband and wife, father and son, brother and brother are all in conflict. But it is Richard, as dishonest and selfish as he is handsome and charming, whose final betrayal threatens everything The second in the bestselling Feeney Family sagas, For My Brother's Sins is an unputdownable and emotionally moving saga for fans of Annie Murray, Maggie Ford and Anna Jacobs.Praise for Sheelagh Kelly Sheelagh Kelly surely can write Sunderland Echo Genuinely perceptive portrayals of human relationships Irish Independent

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