Look for the Silver Lining
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Look for the Silver Lining

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
June Francis
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

No one is spared from the heartache of warAs the Blitz destroys lives in Liverpool, three sisters are forced to make difficult choices to protect themselves and those they love. When Nellie Callaghan marries her love in secret, it causes a rift in the family. But when the bombs drop on Liverpool grievances must be put aside as the people of the city are brought to despair. Nellie s mother is killed and her sister Lottie is injured, while her other sister Babs runs away to join the WLA. It falls to Nellie to care for the family. Despite the suffering that the war brings, it is trouble on the homefront that leads to further hardship for each of the sisters. Before the war is over, each of the Callaghans will have faced heartbreak and sacrifice. But amongst the sadness they will find some joy, and never giving up hope for a brighter future.
No one is spared from the heartache of warAs the Blitz destroys lives in Liverpool, three sisters are forced to make difficult choices to protect themselves and those they love. When Nellie Callaghan marries her love in secret, it causes a rift in the family. But when the bombs drop on Liverpool grievances must be put aside as the people of the city are brought to despair. Nellie s mother is killed and her sister Lottie is injured, while her other sister Babs runs away to join the WLA. It falls to Nellie to care for the family. Despite the suffering that the war brings, it is trouble on the homefront that leads to further hardship for each of the sisters. Before the war is over, each of the Callaghans will have faced heartbreak and sacrifice. But amongst the sadness they will find some joy, and never giving up hope for a brighter future.

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