A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon

New (Soma)Tics
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630 g
266x205x22 mm

CAConrad is the author of A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon, The Book of Frank, Advanced Elvis Course, (Soma)tic Midge, Deviant Propulsion, and a collaboration with poet Frank Sherlock titled The City Real & Imagined. The son of white trash asphyxiation, his childhood included selling cut flowers along the highway for his mother and helping her shoplift.
CONTENTSTHE RIGHT TO MANIFEST MANIFESTO(Soma)tic 1: ANOINT THYSELFEMILY DICKINSON CAME TO EARTH AND THEN SHE LEFT(Soma)tic 2: Séance Your Own Waykair7: CEDARFRANKINCENSEMUSKEUCALYPTUSLEMONGRASSOPIUMMYRRH(Soma)tic 3: WHITE HELIUMevery weakness of the world in ONE LIMB FOR A DAY(Soma)tic 4: REFLEXUS ADJUSTMENTMILD ENEMY LOTION(Soma)tic 5: Storm SOAKED BreadONE DAY I WILL STEP FROM THE BEAUTY PARLOR AND ENLIST IN THE FREQUENCYOF STARLINGS(Soma)tic 6: Aphrodisios RuminationSHOVEL GIVES INTO ITS NAME(Soma)tic 7: Feast of the Seven Colorsdistorted torque of FLORA¿S reda little orange bag believe it or not CAN hold all that remainswe¿re on the brink of UTTER befuddlement yellow hankie stylesay it with grEEn paint for the comfort and healing of their woundsrehab saved his life but drugs saved mine at the blue HOURsmells of summer crotch smells of new car¿s purple MAjestYfrom the womb not the anus WHITE asbestos snowfall on 911(Soma)tic 8: Mercury Retrograde FREE FALLMercury, God of Thieves(Soma)tic 9: your BANANA WORD MACHINETHE DAY AFTER BEING CENSORED I REMEMBER MY GRANDMOTHER SAYINGPATIENCE IS THE HONEST MAN¿S REVENGE(Soma)tic 10: AZTEC TRYPTOPHAN, REPEATThe Sun God's Daughter Has a Lovely Copper Penis(Soma)tic 11: YOU IN YOUR SOUPKICK THE FLUSH(Soma)tic 12: TAPPING FLESH FOR SAPONE thru NINE(Soma)tic 13: RADIANT ELVIS MRIseparation is natural SHAKE WELL(Soma)tic 14: your CRYSTAL GRIDSignal and Sway(Soma)tic 15: BETWEEN CORRESPONDING WAVESAMERICA YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THEIR DEAD(Soma)tic 16: ARISE IN YOUR DROSS!RANCOUR COLLECTS ME BY THE THROAT(Soma)tic 17: OIL THIS WAR!Duck Call for Dead Ducks(Soma)tic 18: MUGGED into poetryGUESSING MY DEATH 1 thru 14 / XX(Soma)tic 19: A BEAUTIFUL MARSUPIAL AFTERNOONRESEMBLANCE DEPRECIATION(Soma)tic 20: A Nude in a BUCKETShiväs 4 Hands Kneading the Dough that is Your Face(Soma)tic 21: TOUCH YOURSELF FOR ARTROTHKO7, DAY 1 thru 7(Soma)tic 22: your Zoe Magnifierhours inside philaDELPHIa(Soma)tic 23: STUDY FOR SHOPPING MALL TREESSHOPPING MALL TREES(Soma)tic 24: ANTENNA JIVEAN EXORCISM FOR THE HELL OF IT(Soma)tic 25: AIDS SNOW FAMILYQUALM CUTTING AND ASSEMBLAGE(Soma)tic 26: POETRY is DIRT as DEATH is DIRTI¿m TOO Lazy for this World(Soma)tic 27: CONFETTI ALLEGIANCELOVE LETTER TO JIM BRODEY(Soma)tic Poetics: an interview with Thom Donovan & CAConrad15 (Soma)tic Reading EnhancementsNotes from 4 (Soma)tic Poetry Workshops
"This mechanistic world…has required me to FIND MY BODY to FIND MY PLANET in order to find my poetry."—CAConrad

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