Metallic Nanomaterials (Part A)
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Metallic Nanomaterials (Part A)

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
S.S.R. Kumar Challa
De Gruyter Textbook
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The books in this series are practical guides for chemical synthesis of nanomaterials. Each volume covers detailed experimental procedures for synthesis and characterization of nano materials of a specific type. With recipes for each category of nanomaterials these books represent the ultimate "cook books" for this area.

This is the first volume (Part A) in the series of books covering practical aspects of synthesis and characterization of various categories of nanomaterials taking into consideration the most up to date research publications. The aim of the book series is to provide students and researchers practical information such as synthetic procedures, characterization protocols and mechanistic insights to enable them to either reproduce well established methods or plan for new syntheses of size and shape controlled nanomaterials based on both batch and continuous flow reactions. The first Volume (Part A) focuses on metallic nanomaterials.

This is the first volume (Part A) in the series of books covering practical aspects of synthesis and characterization of various categories of nanomaterials taking into consideration the most up to date research publications. The aim of the book series is to provide students and researchers practical information such as synthetic procedures, characterization protocols and mechanistic insights to enable them to either reproduce well established methods or plan for new syntheses of size and shape controlled nanomaterials based on both batch and continuous flow reactions. The first Volume (Part A) focuses on metallic nanomaterials.

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